Hidalgos and hidalguía in Galicia in the Late Middle Ages

Keywords: Crown of Castile, Galicia, nobility, lawsuits of nobility, Late Middle Ages


Since the 1960s, historiography has focused the study of the nobility from the perspective of the dominant groups, those who exercised a predominant role over society as a whole, relegating to the background those others who –despite their privileged status had a lesser influence and have been traditionally identified with the nobility. This paper offers some initial considerations about the origin, evolution, geographical distribution and characteristics of the nobility in Galicia in a period that extends between the last third of the 14th century and the first decades of the 16th century.


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Author Biography

Amparo Rubio Martínez, Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento

Instituto de Estudios Gallegos Padre Sarmiento (CSIC-XuGa)

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How to Cite
Rubio Martínez A. (2023). Hidalgos and hidalguía in Galicia in the Late Middle Ages. En la España Medieval, 46, 289-312. https://doi.org/10.5209/elem.88022