The Ups and Downs of a Border Estate in the Middle Ages. Jódar (Jaén) between the 13th and 15th Centuries

  • María Antonia Carmona Ruiz Universidad de Sevilla
Keywords: Estate, Nobility, Andalusia, kingdom of Jaen, Castile, Border.


This article discusses the ups and downs endured by the estate of Jodar since the time of its conquest. The estate changed hands on a continual basis between the 13th and 15th centuries due to its border location and the tumultuous political life experienced by the Crown of Castile during those centuries. Up until it became part of the Carvajal bloodline, the town of Jódar belonged successively to Sancho Martínez de Jódar, the Méndez de Sotomayor family, Enrique and Leonor Enríquez, Juan Alfonso de Guzmán, Ruy López Dávalos, Juan de Perea and Beatriz García de Villandrando, Pedro and Fernando de Zúñiga and, finally, to Pedro Girón.


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How to Cite
Carmona Ruiz M. A. (2017). The Ups and Downs of a Border Estate in the Middle Ages. Jódar (Jaén) between the 13th and 15th Centuries. En la España Medieval, 40, 163-189.