Factions, Violence and Municipal Power in the Absence of a King on the Throne of Aragon (1410-1412)

  • Sandra Cáceres Millán Universitat de Lleida
Keywords: Interregnum, Crown of Aragon, Violence, Factions, Municipalism, Catalonia, Valencia, Aragon.


During the Interregnum (1410-1412), the Crown of Aragon went through one of its most critical periods in terms of violence, the states lived a monarchic vacuum because Martin the Humane had died leaving no heirs. During this process, towns and cities not only had to decide who their king would be, but they also had to deal with the several attempts of factions in order to take advantage in the control of power after the king’s death. The paper sets out to examine this period from the municipalities’ point of view, looking at how they dealt with the problems that they had to face up.


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How to Cite
Cáceres Millán S. (2017). Factions, Violence and Municipal Power in the Absence of a King on the Throne of Aragon (1410-1412). En la España Medieval, 40, 9-34. https://doi.org/10.5209/ELEM.56083