Politics and Rebellion in Fifteenth-Century Andalusia: The Situation in Cordoba during the Infante Henry’s Expedition (1443-1445)

  • Óscar Villarroel González Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Castile, 15th century, Cordoba, Henry of Aragon, “Infantes of Aragon”, Sancho of Cordoba, Rebellion


The Infante Henry of Aragon’s military expedition in Andalusia, which sought to control the whole south of the kingdom of Castile. In Cordoba, took place during the years 1443 and 1445, while the king, John II of Castile, was in the hands of the Infante John of Aragon. The infante Henry met diverse allies and opponents, who were a consequence and cause of the changes in the political positions of certain important personages of the kingdom.


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How to Cite
Villarroel González Ó. (2011). Politics and Rebellion in Fifteenth-Century Andalusia: The Situation in Cordoba during the Infante Henry’s Expedition (1443-1445). En la España Medieval, 34, 215-228. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_ELEM.2011.v34.36298