Reading and devotional images in the homes of Valencian ecclesiastics

Keywords: Valencia Cathedral, libraries, devotional images, ecclesiastics


This article offers new data on the libraries of the canons and beneficiaries of the Cathedral of Valencia through the analysis of their inventories of goods and auctions. The discovery of new documentation allows us to study the material culture of these ecclesiastics and understand their cultural level as well as their way of life. Likewise, it will be explained how the readings and the influence of the new devotional currents will make it possible for the images to burst into the homes of the Valentinian ecclesiastics around the year 1370. To study this elite, social history and specifically to the branch of the history of mentalities. All this in order to study the individual and collective behavior of this privileged group who became authentic clients and artistic promoters.

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How to Cite
Monzó Calero, Claudia. 2024. “Reading and devotional images in the homes of Valencian ecclesiastics”. De Medio Aevo Avance en línea, nº November:: 1-13.
Thematic issue