Schools and instruction in the cathedral of Segovia at the ends of the Middle Age: a review and new contributions

Keywords: Cathedral school, medieval university, coral academy, Middle Age, Segovia, Juan Arias Dávila


This work constitutes an approach to the cathedral of Segovia as a center of education and cultural formation during the late Middle Ages. The issue has been treated in isolation in some of its most outstanding facets, forming part of studies of a general or tangential nature. After the collection of new data and its contrast with the contributions offered by historiography an updated review of the issue is presented, which aims to check the completed approaches, as well as so sort the references, give a formal explanation to the new aspects and this complete the analysis scenarios. Consequently, teaching has been approached along two main lines. On the one hand, the chapter grammar school and the basic formation of the priest, with an evolution marked by the establishment of a university Study in the city; and on the other hand, musical education aimed at choirboys. Overall, the research closes an evolutionary and functionary journey that has resulted in the delimitation of the different education resorts, the identification of the main protagonists and some problems in their running.

Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Galende Díaz, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Doctor en Historia Moderna por la Universidad Complutense. Catedrático de universidad (UCM).

David Espinar Gil, Investigador independiente

Doctor en Historia por la Universidad Complutense. Investigador independiente.

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How to Cite
Galende Díaz, Juan Carlos, and David Espinar Gil. 2022. “Schools and instruction in the cathedral of Segovia at the ends of the Middle Age: a review and new contributions”. De Medio Aevo 11, nº 2:: 193-209.