Romançeamiento and Medievalization of the iustitia and the alterum non laedere in the Libro de los estados

Keywords: Justinian Substrate, Legal Principles, King, Libro de los Estados


The aim of this work is the study of Justinian substrate that, as we will try to show, is demonstrated on the Libro de los estados (LE) by Don Juan Manuel. Specifically, the presence of two important legal principles are discussed, suum cuique tribuere and alterum non laedere, in a section of LE where the author theorizes about the judicial administration of the King by using lexemes that are similar to those used by the emperor Justinian in the Corpus Juris Civilis (Inst 1.1.1, 1.1.3 and 1.2.1;... D. The importance of this approach is to establish how the revival of Roman law had an effect on the Roman world, especially in Castile, from knowledge of Justinian Corpus and how it was applied the area of politics.

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How to Cite
Cuellar, Claudio Raúl. 2015. “Romançeamiento and Medievalization of the iustitia and the alterum non laedere in the Libro de los estados”. De Medio Aevo 4, nº 1:: 129-48.