Alternativas e inferencias escalares: las construcciones del tipo de como mucho

  • Raquel González Rodríguez
Keywords: Scalar alternatives, Scalar inferences, Negative contexts, Positive polarity items


The goal of this paper is to analyze a type of constructions which have not received much attention in the literature: como mucho (‘at most’), como poco (‘al least’), como máximo (‘at most’), por lo menos (‘al least’), etc. I will study two aspects of these expressions: their semantic properties and their incompatibility with negative contexts. On the one hand, I will propose that constructions such as como mucho cancel the conversational implicatures associated to the scalar model in question. On the other hand, I will show that these expressions behave as positive polarity items, so that they cannot occur in negative environments and, having in mind the semantic analysis proposed, I will explain their impossibility of being in negative sentences.


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How to Cite
González Rodríguez R. (2010). Alternativas e inferencias escalares: las construcciones del tipo de como mucho. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 28, 73-97.