Natura insolita nella Floresta de varia Poesía (1562) di Diego Ramírez Pagán

  • Annarita Ricco
Keywords: Floresta, Themes, Animals


The study proposed in this article deals with an aspect never treated until now in the few critical works dedicated to Diego Ramírez Pagán and his Floresta de Varia Poesía (1562). Indeed, it is about the analysis of some animal figures like wolves, snakes and dolphins, which appear in the thematic texture of the cancionero together with some other topics used in the different representations of nature, typical of the lyric poetry of medio siglo during the sixteenth century. Through a description of the poems where the poet introduces the animal themes above cited, it is possible to rebuild the hybridism that distinguishes the work of the Murcian poet and at the same time to come closer to the poetic experimentalism of his miscellany. So that this work, with other specific features, characterizes itself as an original and fascinating “rarity”.


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How to Cite
Ricco A. . (2009). Natura insolita nella Floresta de varia Poesía (1562) di Diego Ramírez Pagán. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 26, 219-234.