Villancicos for the profession of Sor Tomasa María de Santa Clara: possible reasons for the exception in the protocol of the Monastery de las Descalzas

  • Eva Llergo Universidad Camilo José Cela, Universidad Nebrija
Keywords: villancicos, nun’s professions, Monasterio de las Descalzas, Manuel Sentmenant, Marqueses de Casteldosrius


This study focuses on analyzing and editing an unusual text within the conventual poetry of the Monasterio de las Descalzas Reales in Madrid: a sheet from 1708 that includes the villancicos that were sung during the taking of the veil by Sor Tomasa María de Santa Clara. There are no precedents, nor will the custom be seconded by any other document during the history of the institution, so that we try to shed some light on the reasons that led to the elaboration and printing of these texts. The conclusions support previous studies that contemplate these compositions as tools for economic and social ostentation; though, in this case, we try to show that they belong to a personal campaign to cleanse the image of the professed nun’s father, Manuel Sentmenant, Marquis of Casteldosrius and, in those years, viceroy of Peru fallen into disgrace.


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How to Cite
Llergo E. (2020). Villancicos for the profession of Sor Tomasa María de Santa Clara: possible reasons for the exception in the protocol of the Monastery de las Descalzas. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 38, 177-188.