"El hechizado por fuerza" (1698) as a social project: on versions towards modernity

  • Jordi Bermejo Gregorio Universitat de Barcelona
Keywords: Antonio de Zamora, El hechizado por fuerza, Late 17th century theater, theatrical remakes, baroque comedy, novator ideology


This paper analyzes the importance of social regeneration in Antonio de Zamora’s El hechizado por fuerza (1698), apart from clarifying the dating of the piece.  The concern of censuring vices and bad popular customs makes evident the open-minded ideology of the theatre between 17th-18th centuries as a condition for theatrical writing towards modernity. For that purpose, a dramaturgical technique will harmonize the previous comedy updating and the foreign theater assimilation —as Duendes hay que son alcahuetes y espíritu foleto (1709) or the same El hechizado por fuerza—.


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How to Cite
Bermejo Gregorio J. (2019). "El hechizado por fuerza" (1698) as a social project: on versions towards modernity. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 37, 75-98. https://doi.org/10.5209/dice.64995