Escrituras del exilio. El problema de la escritura en José Ortega y Gasset, María Zambrano y José Bergamín

  • Max Hidalgo Nácher GEXEL – CEFID / Universitat de Barcelona
Keywords: José Bergamín, María Zambrano, Ortega y Gasset, exile, intellectual history.


The present article studies the works of José Bergamín and María Zambrano and, in particular, the specific way in which they understand the act of writing and unfold their relationship with the reader. The relationship between the subject, its language and its contemporaries, and writing's role in their unity, are central aspects to articulate the works of both authors as an answer to a common problem. In that sense, their position as enunciators –which will be compared with that of Ortega y Gasset– will be studied in relation to a writing problem opened in Modernity and, more specifically, to the political and social situation of the thirties and to their subsequent experience of exile.


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How to Cite
Hidalgo Nácher M. (2016). Escrituras del exilio. El problema de la escritura en José Ortega y Gasset, María Zambrano y José Bergamín. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 34, 151-180.