Los inicios en prensa de Francisco Umbral: las colaboraciones en "La Estafeta Literaria"

  • Margarita Garbisu Buesa Universidad a Distancia de Madrid, UDIMA
Keywords: Francisco Umbral, La Estafeta Literaria, literary journalism, XX Century, sixties, cultural reviews.


This article brings to light the contributions of Francisco Umbral during the sixties in La Estafeta Literaria, one of the reviews published in Madrid, where his journalistic trajectory started. He penned nearly two hundred contributions: articles, interviews, chronicles and works of fiction. The aim of this paper is to recover them and to place them in the context of the review itself and of the author´s trajectory. To complete this information an exhaustive list of all the texts written by Umbral for the Estafeta is provided in the annex.


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How to Cite
Garbisu Buesa M. (2014). Los inicios en prensa de Francisco Umbral: las colaboraciones en "La Estafeta Literaria". Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 32, 155-183. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_DICE.2014.v32.47143