Diplomáticos y letrados en Roma al servicio de los Reyes Católicos: Francesco Vitale di Noya, Juan Ruiz de Medina y Francisco de Rojas

  • Álvaro Fernández de Córdova Miralles Universidad de Navarra
Keywords: Diplomacy, Patronage, Renaissance Humanism, Literature, Ambassador, Catholic Monarchs, Rome, Francesco Vitale di Noya, Juan Ruiz de Medina, Francisco de Rojas.


Inheriting the rich tradition of the House of Trastámara, the diplomacy of the Catholic Monarchs took on a cultural dimension that unfolded in the scenes of its ambitious European policy. The seat of the Papacy was a privileged place of the activity carried out by diplomatic agents who had a thorough command of the Latin language and possessed the literacy skills required for prominence in the Roma Triumphans of the Renaissance. This paper traces the biographies of three key characters (Francesco Vitale di Noya, Juan Ruiz de Medina and Francisco de Rojas) who wove such political and cultural ties, thereby laying the groundwork for modern diplomacy.


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How to Cite
Fernández de Córdova Miralles Á. (2014). Diplomáticos y letrados en Roma al servicio de los Reyes Católicos: Francesco Vitale di Noya, Juan Ruiz de Medina y Francisco de Rojas. Dicenda. Estudios de lengua y literatura españolas, 32, 113-154. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_DICE.2014.v32.47142