Entre la "locación" y la "colección": sobre las propiedades léxicas de una preposición bivalente
This work constitutes a descriptive research on lexical values extracted from the lexical semantics of the preposition entre. The double “Location-Collection” property that presents this preposition is directly linked with the notion of Predication in such a way that justifies the relationship between constituents of locative nature and arguments who is described a situation or position "local", as well as the predicative value of the ‘collective’ categories, which express a mode of manifestation of the “entities” from a "group" distribution. Therefore, 'Location' and 'Collection' allow be considered as lexical features interrelated and they involve the acquisition of a "positional" interpretation in constituents of predicative nature. Thus, both the analysis of prepositions and 'locative' adverbs as the classification of the nouns and 'collective' phrases must be described in terms of their syntactic behavior.Downloads
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