¿Quién recordó la canción? Analysis on the evolution of the study of republican musical exile in Mexico in Spanish historiography

Keywords: historiography, Republicane exile, musicology, Mexico, cultural history


This article intends to carry out a review of the trajectory of Spanish historiography in the study of the music of the republican exile from its beginnings to the present, based on a concrete example of the Spanish exile in Mexico. For this, academic works have been reviewed, as well as the incursion or not of exiled music in the most important moments of Spanish republican exile investigation to find points of union and difference, possible debates generated by the integration or not of a certain musical culture within a larger cultural phenomenon and, finally, propose possible advances, challenges and paths for future research.


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How to Cite
Escortell Crespo J. (2024). ¿Quién recordó la canción? Analysis on the evolution of the study of republican musical exile in Mexico in Spanish historiography. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 37, 369-387. https://doi.org/10.5209/cmib.89307