Verdad y melancolía: la obra y el pensamiento de Gonzalo de Olavide en el marco de las corrientes musicales internacionales

  • Belén Pérez Castillo Universidad Complutense


This article gives a general overview of the life and works of the Spanish composer Gonzalo de Olavide (1934-2005), whose output has been almost unanimously praised and valued, although scarcely disseminated and studied. It is therefore one of the first of a series of studies focusing on his music and thought. The article is divided into two parts: the first consists of a revision of the composer’s biography, while the second –in which the composer’s discourse gains more importance– discusses the characteristics of his output and his musical approach, set in the most important general compositional trends.


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How to Cite
Pérez Castillo B. (2018). Verdad y melancolía: la obra y el pensamiento de Gonzalo de Olavide en el marco de las corrientes musicales internacionales. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 12, 135-181.