¿Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos? Presencias imprescindibles y ausencias justificables en el paisaje sonoro ritual cotidiano "mbyá-guaraní"

  • Irma Ruiz Universidad de Buenos Aires y CONICET


The daily ritual soundscape of the mbyá-guaraní involves both men and women, but the classic literatura about the guaraní reveals little or nothing in regard to the contribution of each gender or their relationships. Perhaps due to the Christian influence and the roleplay of Western society until the mid-1960s, these sources focused on the principal male figure, without realising that they were usually led by a mixed couple (a synthesis of their four pairs of gods), who could even exchange their complementary roles. This article discusses the treatment of the main phase of these rituals and their musical practices, in order to provide a more reliable versión of the responsibilities and interaction of the various players, and aims to demonstrate that in special circumstances, the male role can even be dispensed with, but not so women’s songs and the sounds of their rhythm stick.


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How to Cite
Ruiz I. (2018). ¿Lo esencial es invisible a los ojos? Presencias imprescindibles y ausencias justificables en el paisaje sonoro ritual cotidiano "mbyá-guaraní". Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 16, 59-84. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CMIB/article/view/61147