"Es California una tierra ideal…" (2). Zarzuelas en los teatros de San Francisco durante el siglo XIX

  • Víctor Sánchez Sánchez Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Zarzuela, Ópera, Opereta, México, California, San Francisco, Spanish theatre, Barbieri


During the second half of the nineteenth century, San Francisco was one of the most active cities in music theatre of all types, ranging from opera to operetta and lighter forms of the genre. Attracted by the possibility of success, several Spanish zarzuela companies ventured northward to little avail, performing under the name of “Spanish opera”. This article examines the activity of these companies and the relationship of the so-called Spanish lyric genre to other genres in the wider context of the theatres of San Francisco.

During the second half of the nineteenth century, San Francisco was one of the most active cities in music

theatre of all types, ranging from opera to operetta and lighter forms of the genre. Attracted by the possibility of

success, several Spanish zarzuela companies ventured northward to little avail, performing under the name of

“Spanish opera”. This article examines the activity of these companies and the relationship of the so-called

Spanish lyric genre to other genres in the wider context of the theatres of San Francisco.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Sánchez V. (2018). "Es California una tierra ideal…" (2). Zarzuelas en los teatros de San Francisco durante el siglo XIX. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 19, 117-144. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CMIB/article/view/61118