Tango y poética de la posmodernidad en la música para piano de Juan María Solare

  • Julio Ogas Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Juan María Solare, piano music, tango, deconstructed tango, music and postmodernity.


The inclusion of the tango in Argentine art music is a reflection of the connection of the country’s high culture with this genre. Three stages can be established in piano music: the first (prior to 1930), with the genre’s tangential inclusion; the second (1930-1980), in which the tango is treated as part of the academic discourse; and the third (since 1980), in which the distinctions between art and popular music tend to disappear. The works of the composer and performer Juan María Solare form part of the latter. Solare approaches the tango from the different perspectives provided by his creative experience. His works range from tonal tangos, continuing the popular or art-music spirit of the eighties, to the deconstructed tango (tonal or post-tonal), in which the genre’s rhythmic and melodic motives are destructured, all of which is marked by the ambiguity and mobility characteristic of post-modern culture and society.


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How to Cite
Ogas J. (2018). Tango y poética de la posmodernidad en la música para piano de Juan María Solare. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 24, 187-212. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CMIB/article/view/59036