El Festival de Música de América y España (1964-1970). Intercambios musicales entre las dos orillas

  • Daniel Moro Vallina Universidad de Oviedo
Keywords: Twentieth-century Spanish music, twentieth-century American music, transculturalization, music festivals, music policies, critical reception, avant-garde.


This article examines one of the most important musical manifestations of Franco’s policy of political development: the Festival of Music from America and Spain, which took place in 1964, 1967 and 1970 respectively. These events gave rise to an intense mutual exchange between composers, performers and music critics from various Latin-American countries, the United States, Canada and Spain. The Spanish Regime took advantage of the Festival’s importance to promote certain values considered representative of the Spanish tradition.At the same time, its eclectic nature allowed young Spanish and foreign composers to raise their voices during a difficult period for the creation of musical organisms and institutions. Based on the Festival’s critical reception, reflected in journals and the interviews published in its concert programs, this article aims to shed light on the mutual musical influences that existed between both sides of the Atlantic.


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How to Cite
Moro Vallina D. (2018). El Festival de Música de América y España (1964-1970). Intercambios musicales entre las dos orillas. Cuadernos de Música Iberoamericana, 24, 144-174. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CMIB/article/view/58992