New data on the omission of clitic objects in Basque Spanish

  • Bruno Camus Bergareche Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
  • Sara Gómez Seibane Universidad de la Rioja
Keywords: Audiovisual corpora, Variation, Null objects, Basque Spanish


The paper deals with the description of null pronominal objects in contemporary Basque Spanish. Its point of departure is the analysis of a corpus of television programmes. This corpus has been made up with the actual aim of including different geographical and stylistic varieties of the Spanish language spoken in the Basque Country. In doing so we aspire to offer some new insights on that syntactic particularity. We will take into consideration previous explanations and try to define the relevant syntactic contexts not appropiate for null objects. Furthermore we will describe the geographical and stylistic differences that seem to control the omission of clitic objects in Basque Spanish variety in our corpus.


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How to Cite
Camus Bergareche B. y Gómez Seibane S. (2015). New data on the omission of clitic objects in Basque Spanish. Círculo de Lingüística Aplicada a la Comunicación, 61, 211-236.