Los conflictos entre Ética, Moral y Política en la Comunicación Institucional y Periodística de las series de televisión Sí, Ministro y Sí, Primer Ministro

  • Graciela Padilla Castillo
Keywords: Ethics, Moral, Policy, Conflicting relations, Media


There are theorists and journalists who are unaware or have forgotten the differences between ethics, morals and politics. They overlook its etymology, origin and true definition. Given its roots and current studies of Gustavo Bueno, Silverio Sanchez and David Alvargonzalez, we discuss in this article the conflicting relations between ethics, morals and politics in the television series Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister. The approach to this analysis is based on case study from the Harvard Business School, applied only to the relationship of the characters with the media. The objectives are to diagnose any communication problems, interpret the solutions through the characters what they offer and provide these examples for today’s communication students to discuss and arrive at solutions to these conflicts.


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How to Cite
Padilla Castillo G. . (2010). Los conflictos entre Ética, Moral y Política en la Comunicación Institucional y Periodística de las series de televisión Sí, Ministro y Sí, Primer Ministro. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 15, 165-185. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CIYC/article/view/CIYC1010110165A