El proceso de negociación en Los Viajes de Gulliver, de Jonathan Swift

  • Liliana Boggio
Keywords: Negotiation, Jonathan Swift, Gulliver, Phases of Negotiation, Information and Negotiation,


The author of this article makes an application of negotiation phases to the adventures written by Jonathan Swwr, «The Travels of Gulliver». She shows in this way either the genius of the Britisb writer as well as the theory which analyses the information and communication processes implicated after, between and before a negotiation process, giving clear examples of negotiation theory and parts, that belong to everybody’ s infancy memory.


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How to Cite
Boggio L. . (2003). El proceso de negociación en Los Viajes de Gulliver, de Jonathan Swift. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 8, 239-258. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CIYC/article/view/CIYC0303110239A