Peirce with Bajtin. An Iconic Reading of Film Chronotopes

  • Gonzalo Abril Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Chronotope, hypoicon, image, diagram, metaphor, audiovisual narration, symbolic mediation, Rashomon


In M. Bakhtin's theory of the novel, the concept of chronotope serves to express the aesthetic articulation of time, space and the "human image". This conception can be extrapolated to audiovisual narratives and film analysis. And it can also be complemented with the application of the concepts of image, diagram and metaphor proposed by Ch. S. Peirce. A reading of the well-known film Rashomon, by A. Kurosawa, is proposed as an experimental and didactic example  of this theoretical-methodological attempt.  That affects, more generally, the study of symbolic mediation in modern artistic production.


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How to Cite
Abril G. (2022). Peirce with Bajtin. An Iconic Reading of Film Chronotopes. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 27, 113-141.