Audiences Research: Lost in Transition

  • Manuel Javier Callejo Gallego Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Keywords: Media digitalization, Mediated communication system, Audience research, Centralized model


The digitization process has brought about an authentic revolution in the media system. The majority of the known “old media” has difficulties in finding an economic model to survive. They are anchored in a massive and centralized broadcasting model that can be considered basically dead. The same goes for something as basic to such a centralized model as audience research. After describing what has been the role of audience research in this model of mass broadcasting and how it has been maintained, despite the criticisms that emerged to its way of working from the main actors of that model, a synthetic summary of the challenges that audiences research must to take in order to adapt to digital transformation.


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How to Cite
Callejo Gallego M. J. (2019). Audiences Research: Lost in Transition. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 24, 155-173.