Guy Fawkes and Veja: masks and feelings of a transmedia story

  • Carlos Jáuregui Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais
  • Elton Antunes Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais
Keywords: Guy Fawkes, indignation, journalism, pathos, textual web.


This paper analyses Veja, the information magazine with the largest circulation in Brazil, through an approach that establishes links between the text of the publication and other texts circulating in different media and social groups, trying to identify possible narratives that would be constructed by reading gests. In October 2011, the magazine issued a cover containing a list of 10 reasons to feel indignation/ outrage about corruption, next to the Guy Fawkes mask known by the comic and the film V for Vendetta and for its appropriation by social movements. We build then a map of meanings attached to the mask and the feeling of indignation/outrage that will be confronted with the representations and reading contracts normally proposed by Veja.


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How to Cite
Jáuregui C. y Antunes E. (2014). Guy Fawkes and Veja: masks and feelings of a transmedia story. CIC. Cuadernos de Información y Comunicación, 19, 215-232.