Databases and repositories
- America History and Life (AHL)
- Dialnet
- Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ)
- Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI)
- Historical Abstracts (HA)
- Modern Language Association Database (MLA)
- Periodicals Index Online (PIO)
- Regesta Imperii
- ROAD. Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources
- Ulrich's Periodicals Directory
- Worldwide Political Science Abstracts (WPSA)
Open Access Policy
Evaluation systems
- Agenzia Nazionale di Valutazione del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca (ANVUR)
- Clase A (Area 11)
- CARHUS PLUS+ 2018: Level D Philosophy
- CIRC 2023:
- Humanities B
- Social Sciences C
- Dialnet Metrics 2023
- Impact index: 0.20
- Rank: 16/41 (C2 Modern and Contemporary History)
- Rank: 63/296 (C1 History)
- ERIH PLUS by Dimensions
- Seal of Quality 2023
- Ranking 2023
- Score: 43.31
- Rank: 30/96 (C2 History)
- Score: 43.31
- Google Scholar Metrics (2019-2023)
- Index h 6
- Median h 9
- Journal Citation Reports 2023
- Journal Impact Factor: 0.2
- Ranking JIF: 234/518 (Q2 History)
- Journal Citation Indicator:0.57
- Ranking JCI:235/519 (Q2 History)
- LATINDEX Catalogo v2.0 (2018- ): 37 characteristics fulfilled out of 38
- MIAR 2023: c2+m5+e4+x7
- SJR. SCImago Journal Rank 2023
- Índice h: 2
- History: Q4
- Scopus 2023
- CiteScore 0.2
- SNIP 0.747