La otra guerra: la lucha por la subsistencia. Acuartelamiento, vestuario y alimentación durante la Guerra de la Independencia

  • Jesús Cantera Montenegro
Keywords: Peninsular War, Survival, Quartering, Equipment, Food


During the Peninsular War, the soldiers' situation got worse due to the lack of a suitable accommodation, a shortage of equipment and a poor diet. It was necessary to occupy civil and religious buildings which were eventually used as barracks, thus provoking important conflicts, but allowing a better accommodation than military camps. Even more terrible than surviving a battle was the soldier's daily life. They often couldn´t get dressed nor wear shoes and they hardly could get any food.


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How to Cite
Cantera Montenegro J. (2011). La otra guerra: la lucha por la subsistencia. Acuartelamiento, vestuario y alimentación durante la Guerra de la Independencia. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 147-165.