Divertirse en la edad moderna. Necesidad social, placer individual y peligro moral

  • Mª Isabel Gascón Uceda
Keywords: Entertainments, Early Modern, Pleasure, Enjoy, Transgression, Thought moral


The entertainment in the modern age, as in any other period of history, meet the need of every human being to laugh, enjoy and escape from everyday reality and marked by its obligations in meeting the needs materials themselves or family members. The civil authorities are aware of their need and usefulness of their political and propaganda at the same time they fear the dangers that can cause civil unrest. Moralists also recognize the need for distraction, but they see the entertainment as the gateway through which a subtle and pleasant penetrate vice and sin in the human soul. The tension and the search for balance between the three levels: personal, civil religion is a constant throughout the modern centuries.


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How to Cite
Gascón Uceda M. I. . (2009). Divertirse en la edad moderna. Necesidad social, placer individual y peligro moral. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 175-198. https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/CHMO/article/view/CHMO0909120175A