Thinking about the ‘modernity’ of discalced Franciscan order in an age of changes and ruptures

  • María Elisa Martínez Vega Departamento de Historia Moderna y de Historia Contemporánea. Facultad de Geografía e Historia. Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Charles V, Spirituality, Religiosity, Saint Francis Order, Descalcez, Legislation.


In times of Charles V starts a decisive period to the general reform of the Church and, specialy, to the religious orders. Uneasy spirits could not be complacent about the accurate reform and were looking forward a more committed spirituality. Saint Francis Order, prompted by longings of perfection, developped during the first half of 16th century, a change of course towards the holy poverty, known as descalcez, a new plenty of life reality and flaming action. A new model of spiritual and social behaviour that will define the essence of the post-Tridentine Counter-Reform.


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How to Cite
Martínez Vega M. E. (2018). Thinking about the ‘modernity’ of discalced Franciscan order in an age of changes and ruptures. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 43(2), 425-444.