Elizabeth of Portugal, Governor of the kingdoms of Spain and her projection in Portugal

  • Marion Reder Gadow Catedrática Emérita de Historia Moderna. Universidad de Málaga
Keywords: Isabel of Portugal, Governing empress, Carlos V, Town hall of Malaga, Trade of The Indies, North of Africa, Italy, Hispanic monarchy, Francisco I, Roman pontiff.


Isabel of Portugal, wife of Carlos V, was governing as empress and colitigant reigns in three occasions during the absences of the emperor. The correspondence between the emperors is abundant and regular; and fruit of this epistolary exchange the royal bonds and provisions will be issued, signed by the empress, to the cities and limits of the Kingdoms reporting, of the warlike, political and religious activities of the emperor. To the Council of Malaga there were coming the appointments of the representative charges of the central power in the city: appointments of trades of chief magistrate, ealdorman, juror and notary, besides matters relative to the trade of the wheat, it sedates her or the defense of the coast.


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How to Cite
Reder Gadow M. (2018). Elizabeth of Portugal, Governor of the kingdoms of Spain and her projection in Portugal. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 43(2), 395-423. https://doi.org/10.5209/CHMO.62348