Financial Crisis and Dynastic Debt, 1557-1627

  • Carlos Javier de Carlos Morales Universidad Autónoma de Madrid-IULCE
Keywords: Habsburgs, Financial Crisis, Dynastic Debt, Bonds, Default.


This article presents the study of the debt crisis of the Habsburgs from three complementary perspectives. First, it presents and discusses the main contributions of modernist historians and economic historians, from the fifties to the latest works published as a result of the recent economic downturn. Second, it reviews the six crises that occurred in this period, with a new approach that part of the contextualization of the original documents inside the evolution of the financial policy of the Habsburgs. Third, the particular and general causes of such serial episodes are measured, using concepts such as liquidity, indebtedness, sustainability, and others found in the recent economic literature on debt crisis.


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How to Cite
de Carlos Morales C. J. (2017). Financial Crisis and Dynastic Debt, 1557-1627. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 42(2), 503-526.