Juan Bautista Cassani Vivaldo. A Genoese Businessman as Diplomatic Agent of the Swiss Cantons in the Madrid of Carlos II

  • Mercedes Gómez Oreña Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia
Keywords: Spanish Monarchy, Swiss Cantons, diplomacy, recruitment, 17th century


The defence of their territories will force the Hispanic Monarchy to a continued recruitment of regiments from the Swiss Cantons, which will encourage their bilateral relationships. The cantonal envoys will play an essential role in the diplomatic networks. This research has focused on the task carried out in the Spanish court, during the second half of seventeenth century, by the Swiss ambassador Juan Bautista Cassani Vivaldo, a Genoese businessman with important contacts inside the political elite.


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How to Cite
Gómez Oreña M. (2017). Juan Bautista Cassani Vivaldo. A Genoese Businessman as Diplomatic Agent of the Swiss Cantons in the Madrid of Carlos II. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 42(1), 87-106. https://doi.org/10.5209/CHMO.56655