“Expert in ancient writing seeking employment”. the role of archivists in organizing the documentary heritage of the spanish nobility (1750-1850). An approach to their sources and possibilities for study

  • Miguel F. Gómez Vozmediano Archivo Histórico de la Nobleza/Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Keywords: Enlightenment, Liberalism, Abolition of Manorial Rights, Archive, Archivists, Written Culture, Nobility, Spain.


The gradual abolition of the Old Regime, between the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, coincided in Spain with the highest concentration of noble titles in its History and the imperative need to revise the rich documentary heritage treasured by the nobility for centuries. In this process of convergence of fortunes and repeal of manorial rights, the role of archivists and paleographers was essential, entrusted with the management of the archival fonds, tasks which involved its organization, selective elimination, description, copy of the most valuable archival instruments and relocation in the palaces near the Court or another cities.


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How to Cite
Gómez Vozmediano M. F. (2015). “Expert in ancient writing seeking employment”. the role of archivists in organizing the documentary heritage of the spanish nobility (1750-1850). An approach to their sources and possibilities for study. Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 40, 267-293. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CHMO.2015.v40.49171