"Puderão mais os inquisidores que o rey". The relationships between the Holy Office and the Crown in the Portugal of the Restoration War (1640-1668)

  • Ana Isabel López-Salazar Codes Universidad Complutense de Madrid CIDEHUS – Universidade de Évora
Keywords: Portugal, Hispanic Monarchy, Holy Office, Restoration War, General Inquisitor, General Council.


Since the Seventeenth century, politicians and clergymen considered the Portuguese Holy Office as an ally of the Hispanic Monarchy during the Restoration War. However, this image of the Holy Office was forged in a very specific political context –the end of João IV’s reign– and it was conditioned by private interests. In this paper, I try to analyse, on one hand, the evolution of the Holy Office´s political behaviour in the twenty eight years of war. On the other hand, I aim to consider which were the choices, fidelity bonds and connections of its most important members (namely the general inquisitor and the deputies of the General Council). I will conclude that the Inquisition was not a garrison of Castel, but instead an institution which pursued, above all, saving its own interests, as it had been done during the rule of the Habsburgs.


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How to Cite
López-Salazar Codes A. I. (2014). "Puderão mais os inquisidores que o rey". The relationships between the Holy Office and the Crown in the Portugal of the Restoration War (1640-1668). Cuadernos de Historia Moderna, 39, 137-163. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CHMO.2014.v39.45845