Statutes of the journal


The journal Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública, with ISSN-e: 2341-4839, is a scientific periodical of the ICCA (Instituto Complutense de Ciencia de la Administración) published by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Our journal is a biannual publication which aims to disseminate high quality academic research that contributes to the opening of spaces for the dissemination and critique of academic works, encourage scientific research and cooperation, thereby stimulating progress in matters related to government, administration, public policies, assessment, etc.

  1. Management bodies

The management bodies in charge of the scientific coordination and editing of the journal will be the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board. All members of these Boards undertake to respect the principles of the Code of Ethics established for scientific journals by the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

1.1. Editorial Board: structure and composition

- The Editorial Board shall consist of the Director, the Secretary, and the members of the Board. The position of Director shall be held by an active professor with a contractual relationship with the UCM. At least one third of its members shall belong to institutions external to the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

- The Editorial Board shall assist the Director in all their duties, and, in particular, in the monitoring of papers (reception, assessment, approval) and in the definition of the contents and style of the journal (drafting of rules for the submission of originals, creation and direction of sections, etc.).

- The Director of the Journal will be appointed by the ICCA Board by suggestion of the ICCA Director.

- The members of the Editorial Board, six in number, shall be appointed by the ICCA Board by suggestion of the Director of the Journal, or, alternatively, by the ICCA Director.

- The position of Secretary shall be appointed directly by the Director.

- All members shall be elected for a term of 4 years and may only be renewed for a second 4-year term.

− The appointments to the positions of Director and Secretary must be notified to the Office of the Vice-Rector for Culture, Sports and University Extension and to Ediciones Complutenses , attaching the corresponding supporting document issued by the Council of Instituto Complutense de Ciencia de la Administración. The appointment will be made effective from the moment of receipt of the aforementioned document, taking effect from the date of appointment by the Council of the Institute.


1.1.1. Duties of the Director

- The Director shall be in charge of the coordination and representation of the journal, as well as of the relations with the Editorial Board, the Advisory Board and Ediciones Complutense. Additionally, they shall be in charge of the relations with other institutions for any issue related to the journal

- The Director shall elect the Secretary.

- The Director shall convene the meetings of the Editorial Board.

- The Director shall report to the Board of the Institute on the operation of the journal, as well as its needs.

- The Director shall be responsible for ensuring the maintenance of the highest scientific quality of the journal, as well as its recognition and inclusion in national and international databases and its evaluation for the achievement of seals of quality, for which they will be assisted by the rest of the members of the Editorial Board.

- The Director shall have a casting vote in the event of a tie in the deliberations of the Editorial Board.

1.1.2. Duties of the Secretary

- The Secretary shall be in charge of receiving the originals and managing them throughout the assessment and publication process.

- The Secretary shall be responsible for communication with the authors, the members of the Editorial Board and the Advisory Board and Ediciones Complutense.

- The Secretary shall acknowledge receipt to the authors of all the received papers.

- The Secretary shall organize the review process of the originals received by the Editorial Board in order to decide which papers are submitted for assessment and which are returned, once the compliance with the requirements of the journal has been verified.

- The Secretary shall be in charge of sending the originals, along with an instruction document and an assessment template, to the reviewers.

- Once the decision to publish the originals has been made, the Secretary shall be in charge of communicating the decision to the authors.

- The Secretary shall be in charge of the monitoring of the complete editorial process of the issues of the journal (preparation and delivery of originals –including the first pages and statistics–, layout process, sending proofs to authors, review of the pre-print version, communication to the authors of the publication).

- The Secretary shall prepare the meetings with the Director and take minutes of the meetings of the Editorial Board. They shall also be responsible for the custody of the minutes of meetings and shall certify the work carried out by the members, scientific advisors and reviewers.

- The Secretary shall collaborate with the Director in the dissemination of the journal, institutional relations, exchanges, indexing and any other duties that result in the improvement of the quality and recognition of the journal.


1.1.3. Duties of the Members of the Editorial Board

- The Members of the Editorial Board shall attend the convened meetings. In the case of members from other provinces or countries, the Board may articulate a procedure so that their participation is effective even if they are not present at the meetings.

- The Members, under the coordination of the Secretary, shall collaborate in the preliminary reading of originals in order to decide which are submitted for assessment and which are returned to the authors.

- The Members shall collaborate in the search for external reviewers for the papers and shall not be reviewers under any circumstance.

- The Members shall advise and collaborate with the management of the journal in any duties deemed necessary for the proper operation of the journal, including ensuring compliance with punctuality and periodicity.

1.2. Advisory Board

- The Advisory Board shall consist of professionals and researchers of recognized prestige and reliability, with no institutional ties with the journal. It should serve not only to give the journal rigor, but also to set editorial policy, make the journal attractive to both authors and readers, and disseminate it, to the best of its ability, in all forums. Additionally, it shall collaborate in the assessment and auditing processes.

- The Advisory Board shall include among its members professionals and researchers from foreign institutions.

- The members of the Advisory Board shall be appointed by the ICCA Board. The process shall preferably be conducted by consensus. In the event of a justified disagreement about any of the proposed members, a vote shall be taken by secret ballot and a simple majority of the votes validly cast.

- The members of the Advisory Board may participate in the originals assessment processes as external peers, considering that at least one of the assessments shall always be issued by reviewer external to the Advisory Board.

  1. Characteristics and operation

2.1. Periodicity

- The journal will be published with a periodicity of 2 issues per year.  Each issue will be published according to the continuous publication formula (online first). This means that the articles of each number will be published as they are accepted until the closing of the number.

- The journal may also, on an extraordinary basis, propose to Ediciones Complutense the publication of a special issue.

2.2. Structure

- The will consist of the following mandatory sections::

  • Articles: they must be original academic papers on issues related to government, administration, public policy, evaluation, and the like. They will follow a peer review procedure.

- The journal will consist of the following optional sections, which may be activated at the discretion of the Editorial Board in each issue:

  • Monographic articles: eventually, at the request of an academic, the Editorial Board may authorize the creation of a monographic section within any issue. Articles submitted to this section must be academic and original documents on issues related to government, administration, public policy or evaluation. All the articles in the monographic section will deal with the same topic and will be connected in some way. In addition, they will follow the same peer review procedure as the articles, from which they will not differ at all except for being connected.
  • Reviews: they should be on recently published books on topics related to government and public administration.
  • Biographical notes: a short curriculum of the authors of the journal.


2.3. Publication rules

Before submitting a paper for review, please verify that its content conforms to the guidelines for contributors as outlined on the Submissions page.