How does political leadership influence sub-state electoral behavior? A qualitative approach

  • Miguel Martín de la Cruz Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Jesús García de Madariaga Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: Leadership, local elections, second-order elections, candidates, personalization, Spain


When the voters decide their vote in Council Elections, do they thinking about the candidate or the party? Or is there any other critical variable that comes into play when deciding the vote at the local level? In this research we perform a qualitative approach to the phenomenon of sub-state voting. Although the evaluation of the candidate is a particularly important factor when deciding the vote in a Council Elections, this is not the only one and is not always the main decision element. The review of the existing theoretical framework regarding electoral behavior and the variables / dimensions that operate in the decision-making process in council elections are very limited. Therefore, we propose a case study by holding focus groups in three municipalities with different historical realities regarding the personal leadership of the candidates.


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How to Cite
Martín de la Cruz M. y García de Madariaga J. (2019). How does political leadership influence sub-state electoral behavior? A qualitative approach. Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública, 6(2), 163-184.