A balance of economic modernization and intergovernmental tensions

  • María Ángeles Abellán López Universidad Miguel Hernández
Keywords: autonomous communities, modernization, structural reforms, intergovernmental relations, General State Administration


This article contains an overview of the modernization of the regional administrations since its inception until present. We distinguish roughly four modernizing cycles: the first is mainly identified with the search for legitimacy and survival of the regional administrations. The second is inspired by the New Public Management (NPM) and the emergence of a post-burocratic paradigm that enables the development of new methodologies. The third is characterized by the primacy of e-administration and quality policies  applied to public services. Finally, the last cycle poses antagonistic tendencies, according to the outbreak of the current economic crisis.


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How to Cite
Abellán López M. Á. (2016). A balance of economic modernization and intergovernmental tensions. Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública, 2(2), 165-185. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CGAP.2015.v2.n2.51571