¿Uno o varios tipos de gobernanza? Más allá de la gobernanza como moda: la prueba del tránsito organizacional.

  • David Arellano Gault Centro de Investigación y Docencia económica (CIDE)
Keywords: governance, organization theory, new public management, public administration, network theory.


the concept of governance seems to urgently require a broader and more skeptical view: it is currently a concept in need to become less normative and more empirical. In this paper we present two linked discussions: one on the need to discuss governance in a less normative way and more in an empirical one; and second on the limits of the concept from certain discussion coming from organizational theory. the main idea is to emphasize the importance of considering the omnipresence of organizational actors that are actually a set of pluralistic differentiated agents acting on social settings where power and conflict are indisputable aspects of their interaction. this is a challenge for a concept of governance that rests on the misunderstanding of organizations being substituted by networks. And also based on a misconception of the nature of a more horizontal way of governance where these organizational particularities seem to disappear. the conclusion support to improve the research on governance to a more empirical status, more skeptical in nature therefore, looking to test and prove both advantages and disadvantages of different types of governance structures.


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How to Cite
Arellano Gault D. (2014). ¿Uno o varios tipos de gobernanza? Más allá de la gobernanza como moda: la prueba del tránsito organizacional. Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública, 1(2), 119-137. https://doi.org/10.5209/rev_CGAP.2014.v1.n2.47538