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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.

  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.

  • DOI references have been included when available.

  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.

  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

Before submitting a manuscript for review, please verify that its content conforms to the following guidelines for contributors:

1. Submitted articles must be academic papers: essays, opinion articles or journalistic texts will not be accepted. Submitted articles will have to deal with the topic of the journal, that is, government and public administration, and all that this implies. The structure of the contributions must have, at least, the following sections: Introduction, Methodology, Development, Conclusions and Bibliography.

2. All original and unpublished articles (either in Spanish or in English) must be submitted in an electronic word version as follows:

  • The complete data of the author (institutional affiliation, address, telephone, email and brief cv), together with the title of the article will be delivered in a separate file. Said file will include a justification in the order of authorship and the criteria used for it. It will also be indicated in that file if any funding has been received for the development of the proposed article. These data (with the exception of the justification) will be incorporated into the final publishable version. 
  • If you include tables, charts and/or graphs in the article, they will appear integrated in the article. No figure may occupy more than one page, and the charts and tables will be numbered and titled. The tables will appear with the following title:
    Ex. Table 1: Political systems (Source: Time New Roman, 10 pt. Aligned).
    At the end of the table the Source will be indicated:
    Source: (Sanchez, 2010: 10). (Font: Time New Roman, 10 pt. aligned).
  • Same procedure for graphs.
  • The length of the articles, including graphics, tables, citations and bibliography, will range between 20 and 25 pages; recessions between 2 and 6 pages.
  • All articles must include at the beginning a summary in Spanish and English of no more than 120 words, summarizing the objectives and methodology of the research. In addition, the title of the article and a series of words (no more than five) in both Spanish and English must be included. Summary (only Spanish) where all the sections of the article are specified (Format, the word Summary, in bold, font: 10 pt).
  • Format of the articles must respect the following rules:
    • Use a single font and size: Times New Roman, 12 points.
    • Justify the text and space and a half.
    • The first paragraph of each section will not have an indentation, from then on all the paragraphs will begin with a hanging indentation, 0.63, and between paragraph and paragraph there will not be a space.
    • All abbreviations will be described the first time they are mentioned.
    • The notes will go at the bottom of the page (Source: 10 pts).
    • For citations and references, the Harvard citation will be used, that is, in parentheses the author's last name, year of publication, colon, number of corresponding pages (Olías de Lima, 2008: 17). All citations or bibliographical references will appear in the body of the text.
    • For better identification, all the pages of the submitted manuscript must be numbered in the lower centered margin.

3. Articles and reviews can be sent through the system enabled by the journal. To upload the articles you must register and to do so you have to click: “Have you not registered yet? Do it now” (right part of the screen). The system will provide you with a “user name” and a “password” to access (save it, as it will be the one you use throughout the review process). Next, you must enter the "author" profile, look for "new submission" and follow the simple steps indicated to upload the article. The author of the text will be the recipient of all communications issued by the Journal Secretariat related to the proposal for publication. This person will be responsible, in the event that there are several authors, of contacting their collaborators.

4. The contributions will be evaluated anonymously by specialists in the field, mainly experts from outside the publishing entity and the editorial team, who will pay particular attention to the originality of the argument, the relevance of the topic, the methodological quality, etc.

5. The reviews must deal with current academic bibliographical references.

6. At the end of the text, a complete list of the bibliography must appear in alphabetical order, under the following criteria:

  • Book: Surname(s), Name Initial(s). (year of publication). Title of the book in italics. City of publication: Publisher

Ex: Olías de Lima Gete, B. (2006). Manual of general administrative organization of the State. Madrid: Editorial Synthesis.

  • Book Chapter: Surname(s), Name Initial(s). (year of publication). “Chapter title in quotation marks”, in Surnames, Name. Title of the book in italics. City of publication: Publisher.

Ex.Olías de Lima Gete, B. (2007). “Institutional performance, ethics and democracy”, in Díaz, A. and Cuellar, E. (coord.). Smart Administration. Madrid: Ministry of Public Administrations.

  • Magazine Article: Surname, Initial(s). (year of publication). "Title of the article in quotation marks", in Name of the journal in italics, volume, number, month of publication, pages of the article.

Ex. Olías de Lima, B. (2009). "The provision of public services through market mechanisms", in Ábaco, nº 62, December, pp. 21-29.

  • Electronic Articles: will be registered as a periodical publication. They will follow the same structure as the articles, but the electronic reference of the article and the date of consultation will also be indicated.

Ex. Olías de Lima, B. (2009). "The provision of public services through market mechanisms", in Ábaco, nº 62, December, pp. 21-29. At: (accessed 04/12/2017).

  • Papers: Surname, Initial(s). (year of publication). "Title of the paper in quotes", in a paper presented in Name of the event in italics, City, Country and date.


7. The journal "Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública" will acknowledge receipt of all originals within 30 days of receipt. The Editorial Board will decide on the publication of the papers on the basis of two evaluation reports, applying the double-blind method. The author will be informed of the result of the evaluation within a maximum period of 4 months, and will receive a reasoned notification of the decision adopted by the Editorial Board, as well as a record of the arbitration conducted by the two external evaluators (see Annex 2). The publication may be conditioned to the introduction of changes with respect to the original version motivated by the result of the evaluations. In this case, the author has a maximum period of one month to incorporate the suggested modifications and send a new original. The authors of accepted articles may be requested to correct the proofs, which will be returned within 5 days.

8. Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública recommends that those investigations that use the gender variable among their research data report on whether the conclusions have taken into account possible differences between the sexes. For this, it is recommended to consult the Basic Guide for a non-sexist use of language of Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

9. The Journal Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública recommends to authors to deposit the research data underlying their publications in open access institutional or thematic repositories federated in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

10. The author whose article is accepted will have to cede to the journal "Cuadernos de Gobierno y Administración Pública" its copyrights.

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