Suárez de Figueroa y su versión de La Piazza universale de Garzoni: entre texto y paratexto

  • Ángeles Arce Menéndez
Keywords: Piazza universale, Plaza Universal, T, Garzoni, C, Suárez de Figueroa, Translation, Paratext


The work presents the version of the Piazza Universale (Venice 1589), a work by Tomaso Garzoni, an undeniable example of the encyclopaedic culture of the late Renaissance, made by the polemical Cristóbal Suárez de Figueroa, one of the most representative figures of the first half of the seventeenth century. The Plaza Universal (Madrid 1615) is not just a mere translation, since the characteristics of the Italian work, full of apparent erudition and exhausting quotations, omissions, added comments or manipulations, become in the hands of the translator an “original translation”. The article analyses one of the most significant adaptations of the Spanish work: how Figueroa transfers to the text many of the paratexts of Garzoni´s bibliographic Annotationi.


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How to Cite
Arce Menéndez Á. (2008). Suárez de Figueroa y su versión de La Piazza universale de Garzoni: entre texto y paratexto. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana, 15, 93-124.