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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Submitting an article to this journal implies the acceptance of the Declaration of Originality and Authorship.
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  • The format of the file sent is OpenOffice, Microsoft Word or RTF.
  • Web addresses have been included for references whenever possible.
  • DOI references have been included when available.
  • The text meets the reference and style requirements described in the Author Guidelines, which may be found in About the Journal.
  • If you are submitting something for a peer-reviewed section of the journal, please make sure you have followed the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review.

Author Guidelines

1. Cuadernos de Filología Italiana includes the following sections: Linguistic studies, Literary and cultural studies and Critical reviews of books.

The articles must be original, and their extension cannot exceed 10.000 words (see section 2) including notes, tables and references.

The reviews cannot exceed 4 pages and will be devoted to analyse books that belong to the field of Italian linguistics, literature and culture.

Those original manuscripts that exceed the aforementioned extensions or do not adapt to these guidelines can be rejected.

The original manuscripts can be submitted in Italian, Spanish, other Romance languages or English.

Submissions are accepted until December 1 of every year and will be included in the issue of the following year (for instance until December 1, 2018 for the number of 2019, etc.). Each issue contains a maximum of 20 articles. If the number of articles that have been submitted and accepted is superior to the maximum allowed, a suggestion of delaying the publication to the following issue will be sent to the authors. Such suggestion will always respect the chronological order in which the submissions were received.

Submissions must be sent through the journal’s webpage after registering as an AUTHOR at the following link:

In the body of the articles that have been submitted, any reference to the identity of the author must be omitted, including bibliographical references and notes containing information about research projects (which will be added once the reviewing process is over)

Cuadernos de Filología Italiana will provide an acknowledgement of receipt of the original manuscripts. The Editorial Board will decide, within a month since the article has been submitted, if the article is coherent with the lines of research of the journal and, afterwards, the article will be subject to the process of double-blind peer review. External evaluators will submit their reports two months after receiving the article. Then the Editorial Board will decide to accept or reject the manuscripts or suggest the introduction of modifications in them based on the abovementioned reports. If necessary, an additional external evaluation can be conducted.

2. Every submission must be adapted to the following format: page size of 17 x 24 cm, 2 cm of text margin at the top and 1,75 at the bottom, 2 cm on the left and 2 cm on the right, Times New Roman font at 11, with 12.0 line spacing; the first line of every paragraph must have a 0.5 space, as can be seen in the following template.

3. The titles of the headings and the subheadings must be in italics and lowercase. The quotes that include more than 4 lines need to have an indentation of 1.5 cm on the left and be written in Times New Roman, 10 points, with 12.0 line spacing and no quotation marks. For those quotations that have less than 4 lines the following quotation marks (« ») will be used. The footnotes must be written in Times New Roman, 8 points and 9.0 line spacing.

4. The quotation system in Cuadernos de Filología Italiana does not admit the use of footnotes to include bibliographical references. References must be included in the body of the text with the author-year system (see below). The authors need to adapt their proposals to such system in order to be admitted in the evaluation process.

The references will be embedded in the body of the text between parentheses, including the last name of the author followed by the year of the publication and, in every case, a colon and the page or pages to which they refer, for instance, (Segre 1998: 57); if the author has read a translation or a non-original edition of a book, the original date must be included in square brackets: (Chomsky [1965] 1999: 3); if there are two or more authors: (Fiorentini / Sansò 2019: 45).

The bibliographical references of each article must be included at the end in alphabetical order with a left indentation of 0,5 cm in the second and subsequent lines as in the following examples:

Branca, Vittore (1990): «Ancora nuovi manoscritti boccacciani», Studi sul Boccaccio, XIX, pp. 19-25.

Fiorentini, Ilaria; Sansò, Andrea; (2019): «From digressive marker to topic shifter and beyond. The case of Italian tra parentesi (‘in brackets’)»,  Journal of Pragmatics 141, pp. 102-115.

Mazzoleni, Marco (1991): «Le frasi ipotetiche», in L. Renzi, G. Salvi (a c. di), Grande Grammatica italiana di consultazione, II: I sintagmi verbale, aggettivale, avverbiale. La subordinazione, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 751-784.

Segre, Cesare (1993): Notizie della crisi. Dove va la critica letteraria?, Torino, Einaudi.

The doi (with hyperlink) must be included for each reference when available.

5. In the heading of the article, the title must appear in Times New Roman 13 and, below that, the name of the author must be included in italics and Times New Roman 11. The name of the institution, the postal address and the email of the author must appear in a footnote in Times New Roman 8.

6. Afterwards, the following sections must be included in Times New Roman 9:

(a) a summary (max. 250 words) written in the same language in which the text has been submitted preceded by the word Summary, Riassunto, etc. in bold.

(b) a maximum of five keywords in the same language in which the text has been submitted preceded by the term Keywords, Parole chiavi, etc. in bold.

(c) the title of the article in English in Times New Roman 12, preceded by the code [en] and without being in bold

(d) a summary (max. 250 words) in English preceded by the word Abstract

(e) five keywords in English preceded by the word Keywords; and

(f) a paragraph in which there is an index with all the sections of the work numbered and written in its original language. The summaries must not exceed 200 words.

7. All those articles that do not meet the format requirements will be sent back to their authors.

8. The authors will have the right to receive a printed version of the journal.

9. The authors are solely responsible for the content of the articles. In addition, CuFI will retain the rights that the law guarantees about their works.



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