Barbatio’s character in Ammianus’ "Res Gestae"

  • Mª del Pilar Garcia Ruiz Universidad de Navarra
Keywords: Ammianus Marcellinus, Character Portrayal, Barbatio. Gallus, Julian, Constantius II.


This article analyzes the depiction of magister peditum Barbatio in Res Gestae (RG) by Ammianus Marcellinus. The historian offers an image of Barbatio as an shameful figure: sentenced to death for his betrayal of the Caesar Gallus; coward and arrogant, unable to stomach the spread of Julian’s fame, he chattered into the open ears of the Augustus Constantius many cruel accusations and deserved a disgraceful death. However, a comprehensive analysis of the Res Gestae texts on Barbatio, implementing implicit arguments (Sabbah 1978) and characterization techniques (Pauw 1977), enables a more nuanced understanding of his character, as well as of the historian’s partiality in this characterisation. The conclusions reached are that the traditional image of Barbatio has to be modified and that this minor character, as other secondary actants of the RG, operates as an extension of Constantius’ character.


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How to Cite
Garcia Ruiz M. d. P. (2015). Barbatio’s character in Ammianus’ "Res Gestae". Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos, 35(2), 279-298.