The confrontation between Mayans and the Iriarte with respect to the Latin grammars

  • Miguel A. Perdomo-Batista Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
Keywords: Iriarte, Mayans, Latin grammar, Hispanic Enlightenment.


In traditional historiography, and with regard to the litigation of the Latin grammars, usually presented to Mayans as defenseless victims of the machinations of the Iriarte, and this picture agrees with that Don Gregorio often presented itself. However, an analysis of this conflict in relation to the other controversies in which it was implied the valencian shows that the facts must be interpreted in a broader context and more complex that transcends mere confrontations and personal ambitions, and that also characterizes the Spanish society and culture of the eighteenth century: the Bourbon reforms, the renewal of the teaching of Latin, the political patronage and factional fighting and the new forms of socialization of the writers.


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How to Cite
Perdomo-Batista M. A. (2012). The confrontation between Mayans and the Iriarte with respect to the Latin grammars. Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos, 31(2), 355-388.