Pasiones y vida feliz: de Montaigne a Leibniz

Keywords: passions, happy life, Montaigne, Descartes, Leibniz


The aim of this article is to attempt to establish a continuity line between Montaigne and Leibniz regarding the theme of passions and a happy life, understanding an appropriate management of passions as part of it. It is argued that there are points of contact between Montaigne and Leibniz, often mediated by Descartes. After comparing the proposals of these three authors regarding passions and a happy life, it is concluded that the modern treatment of passions finds its precedent in Montaigne and extends to Leibniz through an increasingly 'rationalist' perspective. Additionally, it is suggested that in the case of all three authors, their philosophies can be considered as a way of life, and beyond the fact that each starts from different metaphysical positions, their proposals for a happy life are similar.


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How to Cite
Llinàs Begon J. L. (2025). Pasiones y vida feliz: de Montaigne a Leibniz. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 42(1), 13-23.