Natura naturans and natura naturata in Spinoza and David Nieto, Haham of the sephardic community of London at the beginnings of the XVIII century

  • José Ramón del Canto Nieto
Keywords: Phýsis, Pantheism, Panentheism, Spinoza, Nieto, Natura naturans, Natura naturata, Inmanence, Providence, Miracles


Spinoza’s philosophical system cannot be considered as pantheist, but as panentheist. This article tries to reinforce this thesis by analysing the concepts of Natura naturans and Natura naturata, sometimes confused in the works of the Amsterdam philosopher. A comparison is moreover established between both concepts in Spinoza and David Nieto, the autor of a work entitled De la divina providencia, o sea naturaleza universal o natura naturante, at the same time the differences between the inmanent conceptions of divinity in both autors are remarked.


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How to Cite
Canto Nieto J. R. d. . (2010). Natura naturans and natura naturata in Spinoza and David Nieto, Haham of the sephardic community of London at the beginnings of the XVIII century. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 27, 165-188.