The idea of man in José Gaos

  • Hilda Naessens
Keywords: Man, Emotions, Motions, Expression, Reason, Thought, Concepts


The idea of man in José Gaos could be explained taking in account two essential axes that make an inter-relationship between them and define man substantially: 1) antinomy love-hate-emotions and motions-expression and 2) reason-thought-language. The first is “the condition of possibility” of the second, being the element more suitable and radical that allows man to think concepts. The emotions and motions impose conditions over his will and determine the moral being that is. The man is a unity, but at the same time, is an oscillation between opposites that make him take consciousness of his individuality, from the others, his historicity and intersubjectivity. The Gaos proposal is an important contribution to the anthropological reflection of the moment, because of the analysis categories that offers, of undeniable value, to the better understanding of suitable aspects of the being and acting of the Latino American man.


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How to Cite
Naessens H. . (2009). The idea of man in José Gaos. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 26, 273-294.