Interreligious Polemicism and Conception of Original Sin in Hasdai Crescas

Keywords: Hasdai Crescas, Original Sin, Jewish Polemics, Iberian Judaism, Psychology


Originally written in Catalan around 1397-1398, The Refutation of Christian Principles (Biṭṭul Iqqarei Ha-Nozrim) by Hasdai Crescas is a polemical work that questions Christian dogma using philosophical and logical arguments, not quotations from the Bible. In its pages, Crescas demonstrates a deep knowledge of Christian theology and dogma. This work, like the whole of Crescas’ work, is inseparable from the historical context from which it springs: the persecutions of 1391 and their corollary of mass conversions and Christian missionary fundamentalism. Our purpose in this paper is to approach its study by investigating Crescas’ critical interpretation of the Christian doctrine of original sin, its connection with the author’s own ideology, as well as with the context from which the work springs.


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How to Cite
Fernández López J. A. (2024). Interreligious Polemicism and Conception of Original Sin in Hasdai Crescas. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 41(2), 437-447.
Monográfico Hasdai Crezcas II (N2 - 2024)