On natural artifice of politics

  • José Sánchez Tortosa Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
Keywords: Aristotle, politics, reason, materialism, teleology, biopolitics.


An etymological, historical and philosophical contextualization of the key terms in Aristotle´s work is required to analyse the conceptual foundations of politics, besides the link to the general frame of the Aristotelian ontological system. From this platform, it is possible to face the theoretical pattern offered by Aristotle, mainly, in books I and III of Politics, in order to measure the degree of deviation or approach to the teleological vectorial line of politics: the right government in order to achieve the common wealth, and its application to an accurate diagnosis of the political phaenomena of History and up to the present.


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How to Cite
Sánchez Tortosa J. (2017). On natural artifice of politics. Anales del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía, 34(3), 551-569. https://doi.org/10.5209/ASHF.56800